Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Start of Belly Pics

Ok, here are some pics my mom took with her phone so the 2nd one is a little blurry. The first one is me at 5 weeks, the second one is me at 10 weeks. You can definitely see a difference, but in my defense the second pic was just after I ate and even with pooch I haven't put on any weight YET, hehe. Hope you enjoy!


  1. aww look at u, yes i can tell a little difference now lets watch it grow bigger :)

  2. You look great Hilary! You have "the glow" girl! Keep the belly pics coming. You will love looking at the pictures later in life. You can never go back in time! Hope you are feeling well and thanks for the updated phone number. Justin got Andy's text as well. Love, Jen
