Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Joys of Pregnancy

Ah, the joys of pregnancy, tired, emotional, and sick. This has been one of my roughest weeks so far. I am constantly nauseas, have horrible headaches, and I came down with some sort of viral infection. So this weekend will hopefully be filled with plenty of time for rest. It has been real hard keeping food down and most of the time I stick with crackers and water to be safe, so I CAN NOT wait till the sickness subsides and I can get back to my normal appetite again. We did get some really exciting stuff this week though. We received our first baby package in the mail from Heather, Greg, Riley, and Blake. It was filled with such goodies like little shirts for the baby's first few days, a book/journal for me to keep, a manual for andy to read on how to operate this little bundle of joy :) and a gift card. Reality really hit when we opened it and it has really helped me get through this week. In the morning when I don't feel well and don't want to go to work I walk past the little shirts on the dining room table and pick them up and it reminds me all the sickness is worth it because of this little one inside of me. We can't wait for our next appointment its on Wednesday morning, it will be fun to see how much the baby has changed since we saw it on our ultra sound 3 weeks ago. We will post updates Wednesday after the appointment. Hope everyone is well, and prayers to help the nausea ease up some would be greatly appreciated!

Love you all,

Hilary and Baby

1 comment:

  1. Hey there hot mamma! I hope you feel better. You are thinking the right things and staying positive! God has blessed you with this baby and the nausea is there to remind you that you are pregnant. It's hard,but like you said, but worth it. It WILL get better just hang in there. Just think of all the cuddles you will get once baby Burrow arrives. Love ya! Jen
