Tuesday, July 28, 2009

28 week checkup!

Last week we had our 28 week check up and everything looks good. I had the joy of drinking a delicious glucose drink then having my blood drawn and to wrap the appt up I received my Rhogam shot in my hip. The bad part was the shot didnt hurt that bad until Saturday and Sunday morning, but now its better. Now we start going to the dr every 2 weeks so we have our next appt next Wednesday for 30 weeks then at 32 weeks we get to pick the date of the csection and when we want baby to arrive! Thats about all new here, I have been feeling pretty good, just tired all the time it seems. Hope things are well with everyone!

I also posted a belly picture from tonight its not a great picture, but it will work for now :)


Hilary and Baby

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