Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Boy or Girl???

First, this past weekend was The Players Tournament here and Andy worked alot of crazy hours, but the tournament went really well. His parents and mine came for the weekend and we all had a great time together! Next, the wait is finally over. We had our Dr.'s visit today to check on baby and find out if its a boy or girl. The appt went well, they said baby is measuring good everywhere and looks great! There is a little bit of urine in the kidneys, but they aren't too concerned about it right now so we are just going to watch and see how they do. Also, as you can see from the pics we posted we are having a BOY!!!!!!! YAY!!!Which I dont think I can put enough exclamation marks to show how excited Andy is about having a boy :) I also posted a belly pic, I am 18 weeks and 2 days today. We go back in 2 weeks for our next Dr.'s appt we only saw the ultrasound tech today. Well, hope yall enjoy the pics as much as we do. We will keep you posted as much as possible!


  1. aww so excited i cant wait to start gathering stuff and even better seeing u in person so i can rub it :)

  2. Yay! Justin and I are so excited for you two! Being a mommy of a boy is so much fun! You look fantastic too! One hot mamma! Oh, don't worry about the urine buildup. Luke had the same thing. It is very common in boys for some reason. They usually grow out of it before they are born and if not, they would have to have minor surgery after birth. No worries. He will be just fine!

  3. Congrats Hil! You look great! Little man!!
